Its Pride month: the time of the year when we remember that it is important to not be ashamed of who God created us to be despite being surrounded by opposition from bigoted or ignorant perspectives. In fact, this is the reason pride is so important.
Forty years ago, with opposition so prevalent and fierce, it was much, much easier to stay in the closet than to be true to self and God. As time has gone on, through courageous action, the gay community has become more visible - in spite of folks insisting we are shoving it in their face - and in spite of those same folks being the ones to actually be shoving their anti-gay perspective into the faces of gay people.
And as people interact with normal gay people, that which was so unrelatable, foreign, strange, and wrapped in so much misconception and fear becomes relatable and less scary. It becomes easier to separate the lies or assumptions made about gay people when you begin to know them. Truly, many, many people have known gay people for hundreds of years, but have not been aware that these normal people were gay.
And that is what Pride is about. Normal gay people being visible - not in order to gain approval - but to be visibly authentic.
And then I hear the judgementalists spew nonsense like “Pride comes before the fall” (referring to Gay pride instead of their own judgmental pride, of course). It is the misappropriation of the word “pride” from one context to another - where they mean different things. The context of Gay Pride is “embrace who you are and do not be ashamed about your intrinsic qualities”. This is a much different context than the misappropriated Scripture quotation which is roughly talking about assuming that one’s successes is due to one’s own actions alone - and looking down at others who are less successful.
Pride could also be used to describe those who, caring less about the marginalized and oppressed than a feeling of piety or personal comfort, attempt to malign God’s creation and work against God’s intentions and purposes.
Saul/Paul was on his way to Jerusalem to find and jail Christians when Christ interrupted his efforts. Paul thought he had been doing God’s work zealously, but he was fighting against God. This is also the case with conservative Christians who fight against the LGBT+ community’s attempts to be recognized as normal humans. God created gay people, and those who seek to disenfranchise, malign, oppress and bully gay people are not abiding in Christ - they are actively oppressing Christ.
I cannot say how many times people have commented to me or my husband how they thought gay people were this way or that way, but we’ve challenged their expectations. This is not unique to us. Because people’s assumptions are incorrect and based on fear, getting to know an actual gay person - or learning that someone they know is gay, changes the hearts and perspectives of the general public. This isn’t some demonic gay agenda. This is what happens when normal gay people live their lives authentically without shame and fear - and when others know that they are gay. And this is why Pride matters.
It is important for the gay community to not hide or be ashamed of their intrinsic qualities - including their attraction to the same gender - and to be public about it. The same is true for bisexual and trans folks and others in our community.
Be proud of who you are - of who God made you!